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Monday 15 August 2011

Clicking "Related Topics" and other hyperlinks cause "Cannot display the page" error in Help and Support Center

When you click on a hyperlink (which launches a Control Panel applet or an application) in the Help and Support Center, you may receive the error below: The same error may occur while clicking on the Related Topics link.
Cannot display the page
This happens if the Active Scripting option is disabled for the My Computer Zone. Follow these steps to disable the restriction.
Click Start, Run and type REGEDIT
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Internet Settings \ Zones \ 0
In the right-pane, double-click the value 1400 and change it's value to 0
The value 1400 corresponds to Active Scripting
Repeat the same in this registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Internet Settings \ Zones \ 0
Close Registry Editor and restart Windows. Now, open Help and Support Center. The restrictions message should no longer be displayed.


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